
The walt.id Verifier API allows you to verify Microsoft Entra Verified ID credentials. The credentials can be shared by users with any supported wallet. (E.g. Microsoft Authenticator, walt.id web-wallet). To extend the verification process, you can utilize our policies in addition to Microsoft's checks on presented credentials.

To generate Microsoft Entra Verified ID credential verification requests you need a Microsoft Azure account with Microsoft Entra Verified ID setup. If you don't have that yet, please have a look at the Microsoft docs.

The walt.id Verifier API will interface with Microsoft APIs to create the credential verification request. For that you will need to create an app within your Azure Cloud Account. This app setup will provide the necessary credentials for the Verifier API to authenticate against Microsoft's APIs.

Getting Started

  • Microsoft App Setup - Retrieve required credentials to issue Microsoft Entra Verified ID credentials via the Issuer API.
  • Config - Configure required callback URL, needed to finalise the verification.
  • Credential Verification - How to verify a Microsoft Entra Verified ID credential