
To manage Decentralised Identifiers (DIDs), we will be using the walt.id DID library which enables us to create, register, resolve, update and delete DIDs and their related DID Documents. You can learn more about DIDs in generate here.

Main Features

  • Create DIDs based on various cryptographic key pairs
  • Register DIDs on various public ledgers (e.g. EBSI, cheqd, iota)
  • Resolve DIDs
  • Update DIDs
  • Delete DIDs

DID Methods Supported

  • did:key
  • did:jwk
  • did:web
  • did:cheqd

Our library can also work with the universal registrar and resolver to supported even more methods. A full list can be found here.

Getting Started

  • Setup - the DID Lib to work either with local or universal resolver and registrar.
  • Creation - Create DIDs using different methods.